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Get your weekend started for Sunburst state finals by ordering your state photo packages early! Don't wait in line at registration to get your photo package ordered! You can pre purchase your child's gallery here by clicking the link above. If you order your package prior to April 28th you will receive a FREE studio image with all the crowns and trophies your child receives from the weekend. It is a fun way to end your weekend by showing off your amazing hardware! Natalia Mae Photography takes pride in every photo taken at the event and will have samples to show off on Sunday from Saturdays events.

This is a very fun weekend for the entire family so sit back and let us take care of your photography needs. Remember there is absolutely NO cameras or videocameras allowed in the ballroom. This is to protect the privacy of other children as well as we are there to get the up close shots for you so you do not have to worry about it! Let us be your paparazzi and capture the moment while preserving the privacy of others. It is a simple rule to follow and keeps the events moving along in an efficient matter.

See you next month!

Order your packages here!

Sunburst Beauty pageants will be having their state finals coming up in May. It is important to prepare for the pageant in advance. One of the costs I would plan on in advance is the photography of your child's events. There will be NO cameras allowed in the ballroom. My staff will be photographing the full weekend of events from start to finish. It is important to preserve these memories of your child's experience at her beauty pageant. I capture all the contestants in their groups as well as when they go up on stage individually. It is nice to give parents the assurance that while they are running around making sure their child is prepared for their stage entrance that once their child steps on that stage, his or her moment will be frozen in time for their viewing pleasure later.

Natalia Mae Photography will be photographing the Sunburst state finals for Michigan, and Kentucky/Tennessee.

Order your photo packages today and SAVE!!

Are you going to be a senior in 2018?  Or do you know someone who you think would be an amazing representative for Natalia Mae Photography?  Now is the time to contact me!  Send me your name, Instagram name and school you attend!  You just might be on the next 2018 NMP model team!

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